Katha Lab School

in Govindpuri community in Delhi

Katha’s model school for its StoryPedagogyTM since 1990

The Katha Lab School began in 1990 as a learning centre in the slums of Govindpuri, Delhi, with five children. Today, it has been developed into the Centre of Creativity for the Katha Relevant Education for All-Round Development (KREAD). It has had a huge impact on the lives of children living in the 8-slums cluster of Govindpuri where most children worked to support their families. Through experimentation and relentless learning, Katha stabilized the integrated solution that has created value for more than 100,000 children.

Katha’s work supports objectives of Right to Education, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and National Curriculum Framework. Today, our students work in companies like IBM, for the government, or as intrepid entrepreneurs. Earnings of Katha-trained women have grown 10 times what their families earned a decade ago; salaries of Katha graduates have gone up 20 times and more. 56% of our graduates are in college, bucking the Indian trend of 7%. Katha Lab School is one of the most innovative schools and has evolved a model of delivering consistent quality education.

Key distinguishing features of Katha’s education model are StoryPedagogyTM and Active Story Based Learning, our teachers use a variety of techniques developed by Katha—rooted in the art of storytelling and the performance arts—to bring classrooms to life and creatively engage children in learning. Theatre, dance, music, sports, storytelling, and film are among the many tools our teachers use. Katha’s model also brings community issues into the classroom so that learning is relevant for children and empowers them to become agents of change in their communities. We empower children to solve pressing community challenges related to health, water, sanitation and environment.

Programmes at Katha Lab School:

Creche: The creche is a simple solution supporting girl children to attend schools, since they are often burdened with looking after younger siblings

Phulwadi provides essential preschool education and nutrition to children with special needs from 3 year onwards. We conduct workshops to impart in children the knowledge to improve their skills. Read More.

Katha English Academy (KENGA) is a programme developed out of Katha Lab School focused on increasing the employability prospect of youth from underprivileged backgrounds by training them in conversational as well as written English. Read more.

Katha IT and E-commerce School (KITES) is a programme which offers quality IT education to children as well as the men and women from the communities to enhance opportunities for them. Read more.

The Katha School of Entrepreneurship (KSE) offers courses in cutting and tailoring, dress design, bakery and food processing, certified by the Ministry of Human Resource Development as well as National Institute of Open Schooling. Read more.

The Katha Lab School Universe

Katha Lab School’s Curriculum

KREAD, the Katha Relevant Education for All-round Development is a unique curriculum for life that proactively fosters earth-caring habits in learners and teachers.

ASBL, the Active Story Based Learning that leads to inquiry and self-propelled learning. Its Think-Question-Debate-Act plan anchors our Story Pedagogy in creative classroom practices.

PAR is our continuous assessment matrix, which has improved our students’ ability to come on PAR with the world. In Katha, PAR stands for Performance, Attendance, Retention. A strong continuous assessment methodology helps track classroom work in non-threatening, non-competitive ways so that teachers can constantly tweak their own pedagogies and practices, and so that we keep our children happy and coming in regularly, and doing well!

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