Katha Junior Fellows

Katha Fellows who DO-YT
Katha created ILR C- I Love Reading communities, as part of I Love Reading campaign to fulfil one of its missions of enhancing the joy of reading and impacting social injustice and inequity through community action.
Katha therefore, has engaged young volunteers from the communities as Delhi One Young Team, called DOYTs, who take the responsibility of spreading joy of reading in their community, helping their peers and young ones in reading. Consistent engagement with DOYTs have brought a sense of ownership among them, and we believe that they are our ‘urban lions’ who bring change in their communities.
We call the DOYTs our Katha Fellows now!
Katha Fellows run Libraries!
As part of our initiative to launch several community-based libraries this year called COOL! (Community Owned and Operated Learning) Centres, our team of young, dynamic leaders have joined us to voluntarily run the libraries in their respective communities. We call them the Katha Junior Fellows or KJFs.
Most of them have been associated with Katha over the past 4-5 years as DOYTs while some of them have joined us newly. We currently have 50 Katha Junior Fellows with us in Team KHEL*, and we hope to grow in size and spirit over the course of a year or two! Our fellows are also registered trainees with Katha under a specialised 30-30 module training programme that will take place in three phases in the course of this year (the first level of training was successfully completed in June ’17).
The KFs are passionate, dedicated, and committed to the cause of reading for meaning and joy. They are the primary pall-bearers of Project COOL! and SherNama. They believe in the potential of every child, and in the vision of Katha’s 300 Million Challenge.
Why don’t you donate your lightly used books to your nearest COOL centre run by our fellows? Visit one now.
You could also start your own book donation drive for us. Know more about it here.
Act Now
Donate Now!
Join the 1000’s of individuals who are already contributing each month to make every child read and get an education. Donate now!
Volunteer with us
We offer numerous volunteer opportunities – from organizing local storytelling workshop near you to mentoring a child! Volunteer now!
Donate books!
We’re building many community owned and operated libraries all over Delhi! Donate your books at your nearest Katha book collection centre today. Donate now!
Register for Katha Writers’ Workshop
Register for this year’s ‘Search for Excellence in Creative Writing’ by Katha be a part of the annual Katha Utsav. Register Now!