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KathaKhazana - Mobile Reading App

Available on playstore

Using tech to enable reader leaders!

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Be a storyteller for social change

KathaKhazana app is a repository of engaging digital content that will be used as an instrument of social change to get children into reading for fun and meaning. Download the mobile application to positively impact lives and get certified as a Katha Changemaker!

Using tech to enable reader leaders!

KathaKhazana is an immersive storytelling mobile application that is backed by 30 years of research practiced in Katha’s Story Pedagogy. Through captivating animation, games, characters and narration, children are introduced to big ideas of gender equality, equity, diversity and inclusivity.


Do you want to read with me?
Six of Katha’s Hindi stories based on gender equality,
equity and kindness are now available as digital books.
Give a child the joy of reading and a chance to
learn through technology!


I can even read out stories to you!
From Lachmi to Champa, Katha’s bravest characters come
to life in the app, which are packed with animated
videos and voice overs.


Tired of books? Let’s play!
This world of storybooks has games that imbibe concepts
of gender equality, diversity and inclusivity.
Entirely in Hindi, the games seamlessly combine
learning, social justice and fun!


Accompany me on this exciting journey!

Have a look at the app that can read you a storybook,

where characters too become your friends and the fun never ends!


I need your support before I can help your child read!

Nurture your child’s imagination by introducing them to stories that are innovatively breaking gender stereotypes!

Download the app and explore books, videos and games that aid his/her development.


Help me take the stories to the right audience!

Want to create an impact by teaching but don’t know how to?

Become a reading mentor and help a child read using Katha’s app.